With every piece of communication, we make a statement about who we are. To instantly communicate our brand identity to audiences, we must use consistent typography.
Primary font
UBC’s primary font, Whitney, should be used in all formal communications* to establish a strong, institutional look.
It can be downloaded for free as a desktop or web font.
*For exceptions, review alternative fonts below.

Alternative fonts
If Whitney is not available for your medium, you can use:
- Arial (Regular or Bold)
- Open Sans (Light, Regular, or Bold)
For Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, use Arial to reduce typography issues.

When creating a document with writing of any kind, we aim to assign visual importance to each piece of copy. The reader should be able to easily differentiate between sections, and they should understand where to look.
As a general rule, we use sentence case for all headers and subheads. Do not use periods in headers when punctuating.
The specifications provided are for print applications like Microsoft Office and Adobe Create Cloud suites, thus the typography examples on this page may not be true to specifications.
- Specs
- Font
- Kerning
- Tracking
- 36pt / 36pt
- Whitney Semibold
- Optical
- 10
Subhead 1
- Specs
- Font
- Kerning
- Tracking
- 21pt / 24pt
- Whitney Medium
- Optical
- -10
Subhead 2
- Specs
- Font
- Kerning
- Tracking
- Styling
- 16pt / 18pt
- Whitney Semibold
- Optical
- +80
- Uppercase
Body 1
- Specs
- Font
- Kerning
- Tracking
- 18pt / 22pt
- Whitney Book
- Optical
- -10
Body 2
- Specs
- Font
- Kerning
- Tracking
- 14pt / 18pt
- Whitney Book
- Optical
- -10
Typography should be used to effectively emphasize and organize information on a page. These examples outline how we use our typography in a layout.

Download Assets
Official UBC Fonts
Submit a request to UBC Brand and Marketing for the official UBC fonts.
Applied Science Templates
The following APSC templates are available:
- PowerPoint
- One-pagers
- Brochures
- Postcards
- Posters
- Trade Banners
- Digital Signage
- Social Media
- Email Headers
Download the assets from the APSC intranet – EAD\CWL login may be required.