Digital Signage

Our digital signage network provides messaging to our in-person community and is a central resource for communicators.

Digital signage should be integrated into your strategic communications. The platform is an opportunity to create unique content for a variety of purposes, including announcements, events and story content.

General Guidelines

  • Ensure your signage is “on brand”: For best effect, fit to the form and function of our templates rather than cramming content and messing with the font size. Consider the most essential info that you need to deliver.
  • Keep it short and sweet: People view these screens in passing and often from a distance so keep it clean, concise and simple. You only have a few seconds to make a memorable impact.
  • Show a clear call to action: Use short and memorable URLs or QR codes as a way to provide a path for additional info. Please note that the QR code is an optional layer in this file and does not have to be used.
  • Speak to a specific audience: Identify your audience and provide a good experience for the viewer by shaping your content. Use the optional shortname logo for a specific unit or department if it will help reach your specific audience.

For more Digital Signage guidelines, refer to UBC Brand Digital Signage.

Template Variations

Gradient with QR code
Gradient with optional shortname logo and call to action
Image with date and location
Portrait with QR Code

Discipline-Branded Samples

Each of the above variations are available for our 4 disciplines. A selection of sample templates are included below.

Requesting More Templates

If we do not have a Digital Signage template for your unit or if you have additional template needs, please contact

Download Assets

Digital Signage (Screens) are available on the APSC intranet – EAD\CWL login may be required.

APSC Digital Signage templates